Animal sculptures in metal lace by Philippe Buil

Published by Philippe BUIL on

Metal lace animal sculptures

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I regularly create metal lace animal sculptures.

These sculptures are very different in size, they range from 11 cm to 2 meters high. They are always unique pieces.

Click on the images for more information

Sculptures measuring 10 to 15 cm (rabbit, elephant, bear and marten):

Lapin X Sculpture animalière metal - Lapin Acier Philippe Buil   Lapin XI Sculpture animalière metal - Lapin Bronze Acier Philippe Buil     Éléphant D Sculpture animale métal - éléphant bronze acier Philippe Buil

Ours III Sculpture animale métal - Ours acier Philippe Buil   Buffon Martre sculpture martre en gouttes de Bronze et d'Acier Philippe Buil

Sculptures from 20 to 40 cm (Horse, elephant, butterfly):

 Cheval Barbe VII Sculpture animal metal - tete cheval acier bronze Philippe Buil    L'arbre à l’éléphant Sculpture animalière éléphant au pied d'un arbre acier bronze Philippe Buil     L'arbre aux papillons Sculpture animalière papillons d'un arbre acier bronze Philippe Buil

Sculptures over 50 cm

 Sculpture représentant une tête de cheval en dentelle de métal Acier Bronze- Buil   Tete de Lion Sculpture animale tete de lion en acier bronze Philippe Buil


My largest animal sculpture was made to order.
It's about a lion head 2 meters high which is installed
at the reception of theMaison Albar Le Vendome hotel in Paris.

Sculpture tête de Lion – Commande Maison Albar Hôtel Le Vendome – Paris - Buil




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