Meetings in the workshop of sculptor Philippe Buil
Published by Philippe BUIL on
I like to share my passions and my know-how.
I therefore offer you meet me in my workshop located 27 rue de la République in Saint-Etienne.
Demonstrations :
For an hour I show you all the steps of creating a metal lace sculpture.
These demonstrations take place every Friday at 5 p.m..
If you prefer to come at another time, just contact me to make an appointment.
Given the health instructions, I ask you to to inscribe to attend these demonstrations, either
- by telephone or SMS to 06 77 53 99 60
- by email to
- by my site internet
Co-creation workshops:
I propose you to come and make your sculpture with me in my workshop.
We make an appointment together based on your availability.
Depending on your project, the workshop can last a few hours or even one or several days. At the end of the workshop, you leave with your finished sculpture and its certificate of authenticity.
Contact me to talk about your project, either
- by telephone or SMS to 06 77 53 99 60
- by email to

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