Face sculptures in metal lace by Philippe Buil

Published by Philippe BUIL on

Face sculptures in metal lace

I offer you a zoom on my sculptures representing faces.

I create these face-shaped sculptures by creating a model, which allows me to draw the imprint in a sand mold, then melt the metal to deposit it drop by drop to create my metal lace.

I mainly use steel (the black parts) and bronze (the brown parts). The golden parts are made of brass.

For the “Icar” sculpture  I covered the bronze with 24 carat gold leaf.

For the sculpture “La Douce” or “shadow actor”, I added a glass part to my steel lace.

Depending on my inspiration, I give quite different expressions to my faces. I can fix them directly on a base, or hang them on a metal lace veil, or put them on metal drop rods, or continue them with a shoulder, or hold them to a musical instrument (I I completed an order where the client wanted a sculpture linked to his saxophone).

The shape of the face also varies, I go from more classic shapes to shapes more oriented towards outsider art.

Below I offer you a small overview of my achievements.

All my sculptures are unique pieces.

In May 2021, I am offering you a 15% discount on my face sculptures in this online store. To benefit from it, enter the promo code KFMFG4DXED2D.

Click on the images to see more details

Sculptures on sale on my online store and at the Saint-Etienne gallery 

Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil dentelle métal acier et bronze      Sculpture visage en dentelle métal acier Bronze de Philippe Buil   Sculpture visage en dentelle métal acier bronze chrome de Philippe Buil   Sculpture visage en dentelle métal acier et bronze de Philippe Buil   Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil dentelle acier et laiton - le Blond   

Acteur de l'ombre - Sculpture Philippe Buil - Visage acier et bronze   Acteur de l'ombre - Sculpture Philippe Buil - Visage acier bronze et verre   Icar- Sculpture Philippe Buil - Visage bronze et or


Sculptures for sale in other galleries

   Sculpture de Philippe Buil : Visage en dentelle métal acier et Bronze   Acteur de l'ombre - Sculpture Philippe Buil visage bronze et acier


Sculptures already sold 

Sculpture visage en dentelle de métal acier bronze laiton de Philippe Buil   Sculpture de Philippe Buil - Visage en dentelle de métal : Acier et bronze   Sculpture visage de philippe Buil dentelle métal acier et laiton   Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil - Dentelle métal acier bronze Laiton   Une larme III - Sculpture visage Philippe Buil - dentelle métal acier bronze laiton   Une Larme III - Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil dentelle métal acier bronze laiton   Une larme - Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil - dentelle métal : acier   Sculpture visage de philippe Buil - Juste un regard dentelle métal acier et Bronze   Sculpture visage de Philippe Buil - Masque en dentelle de métal acier et laiton   La douce - Sculpture Philippe Buil - Visage en dentelle acier et verre   Acteur de l'ombre - Sculpture Philippe Buil acier bronze verre   Oural - Sculpture Philippe Buil - Visage dentelle acier et bronze   le témoin - Sculpture de Philippe Buil - visage sur épaule en bronze   Une nuit sur ton épaule - sculpture de Philippe Buil visage sur épaule en bronze


Sculpture made to order: face on saxophone

Sculpture saxophoniste de Philippe Buil visage en dentelle métal et saxo

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  • I am interested in a sculpture of my own face (Head). Natural size. Would you be interested in making it.?
    Otherwise do you know of an artist that may be interested in doing it?

    Ramiro sotomayor THE

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